The Ticks Keep On Coming

On my own this morning i arrived at Hornchurch car park for 6.15am. Taking a walk to Ingrebourne Hill, back to the iron bridge along the lower paddock up to the fields, through the woods and back down the river. All in all three hours which produced quite a few ticks in one way or another. The walk to the hill via Tit lake produced the same as yesterday although the numbers of Redwing & Fieldfare have gone through the roof night. Yesterdays count around this area was about 25-30 of each, today was easily in excess of 100 each. The only change to this bit of the walk was a single Sparrowhawk. The lower paddock and the fields came up with the goods today. The lower paddoock was buzzing with even more Fieldfare & Redwing all over the berries; i cannot imagine they will last that long. Yellowhammers, Goldfinch & Greenfinch could be seen in good numbers as well in the same area . Skylark were over, heading towards the hill. Firstly a...