Gunners Park Parrot Crossbills

You would have thought that after working in Southend for 18 months a while back that i would know two things: 1. Southend has a lot of speed cameras 2. Southend traffic wardens love their jobs. So why was it then that when i cut my way to Mess Road i decided to park elsewhere and take a walk through the new estate leaving the car at the mecery of Sounthend Council? As such it turned out to be a relatively expensive trip. £70 or £35 if i pay within 14 days, how nice of them. Why did i park elsewhere? I was being a considerate and careful birder, not knowing where in Mess Road the Crossbills would be i decided a quiet approach would be better - shouldnt have bothered after seeing all the cars and construction equipment down the road. Anyway the Parrot Crossbills performed exremely well in the fir towards the the far end of the road on the coastal side. Arriving on site about 10am all four birds were in and out of the tree giving their own little per...