Tylers Common - Raptors
Went back this after noon for an hour to see if the Hobby was still there; it was. I had great views, the best i have had of this bird. So good that in a lot of cases i didnt even need bins to view its activity.
Probbaly on this bird alone for well over 20 minutes while it fed in the area. It also, luckily for me, settled in a dead tree no more than 5 meters away which in itself was good viewing.
I didnt however remember my "note to self" on the previuos post; Horse Dung again!
Once it had gone i set about on other birds, hoping for more Raptors and i was rewarded with another Sparrowhawk view, two Kestrels, and viewable at the same time three Common Buzzard circling in the thermals bewteen the Common & Woods.
No Red Footed Falcon though; bit optimistic but they have been two reported on the pagers today just up the road and over at Rainham Marshes.
Theory proved or just a lucky day; i shall have to return another day.