Subalpine Warbler - Take 2

Pagers going off again this morning for the Warbler so thought i would have another go; got off to a great start i completely forgot about V and by the time i hit Chelmsford they were queing.

Anyhow on site again the 5 or so people there had decided to take a different approach to viewing the bird. On Tuesday we all stood back up near the path / car park road looking down to the bushes over the picnic tables.

Today however they were sitting at the picnic tables (having sandwiches) and lined up by it. Thinking back to Tuesday and the family who decided to set up camp there i didnt have much hope.

Quietly i set up to the right of them all in line and for 10 minutes nothing, then a Reed Warbler, then another.

A Sparrowhawk above along with some noisy Swallows and a small group of Sand Martins.

Then smack bang in front of me was the Subalpine Warbler, a gentle heads up to the rest and we managed some brief views.

Another 10 minutes or so and then at the top it re appeared face on allowing all to see the Reddish underparts and a good view of its white moustache trailing down each side. In addition i managed to see the eye very clearly and appearing darker red than the underparts.

It then turned allowing good views of it from behind and then hopped in the bushes.

So not the actual bird but:
