Thorndon Country Park

Saturday morning; girls at dancing; me and No1 son took at quick trip to Thorndon for an hour. We didnt venture far from car par 2:

  1. Blackbird
  2. Blue Tit
  3. Carrion Crow
  4. Chaffinch
  5. Chiffchaff
  6. Great Spotted Woodpecker
  7. Great Tit
  8. Jackdaw
  9. Jay
  10. Long Tailed Tit
  11. Magpie
  12. Nuthatch
  13. Robin
  14. Song Thrush
  15. Stock Dove
  16. Woodpigeon
  17. Wren
The stars of the show being a group of 6 Jackdaw making a hell of a racket chasing each other up, down and around a dead tree.
