Ingrebourne Valley - Spotted Flycatcher??

Before i start getting into my morning over at Ingrebourne, i uttered two words whilst there that i have never said whist out birding, i dont know where they came from. The bird in question hasnt been on any of the local blogs of late and i havnt seen anything on any pager, alert system or twitter so its not as if i had the bird in mind.

However a bird landed no more than 10ft away from me with a clean view but for a very short space of time (few seconds). As it landed the words i uttered were "Spotted Flycatcher" along with a couple of others as its a lifer. I clocked what i could but in the short amount of time only got the head before it vanished off. I checked the i phone but i cannot be certain.

I beleive they have been seen a lot in the past in the valley so nothing unusual but im not counting it - too unsure.

courtesy of


Shaun harvey said…
We get a couple of records per year at the Valley Lee.
#indoorstoomuch said…
Cool - Cheers Shaun....unsure really so wont claim it, just hope to pick it up again. It was along the path heading down from the Berwick car park bearing left to the ponds.