Is it me......

or does the area around the Stone Barges smell of burnt Peanut Butter at the minute?
I spent about an hour and half this morning looking for the recently sighted Bittern over at the Members Only, No Public Access fishery at Ingrebourne but no joy.
(I have just been informed that i loose things, ie the last half hour has just been spent looking for a car key, she, being Mrs B, has looked everywhere, my coats, my jeans, my everything. After the "well what have you done with them" speach and just as she was about to launch into "this is ridiculous......" we located them; where? and you know whats coming...her coat)
Then this afternoon i decided to go to the Stone Barges for a brief spell of Digi Scoping. This is only the second time i have tried this, the first time i was in the back garden; no digiscope attachment yet so this is all just holding the camera up to the scope. As well it was getting a little dark but i think they are not to bad. 41 shots taken withthis little lot being the best.

Then finally popping over to Rainham for an hour and seeing the Snow Goose

updated - Rainham Blog now saying a Ross's Goose
