More Red Neck Grebe

Today started with plans of trotting off to Languard for the Red Throated Pipit. This seem to have done a bunk from late yesterday afternoon as such i stayed at home and cracked on with some over due small bits of DIY

Later, after lunch, i headed back to the Red Necked Grebe at Roding Valley Meadows.

The bird was less mobile than last week, floating about the middle, be pushed about by the wind. The rest of the wildfowl seemed to be congregating up the other end and as such the Grebe was getting less hassle as well.

I sat, i waited, i sat, i waited and eventually it came closer, finally moving between one of the small islands and the bank. It was close, the closest I've seen it. Light though was a shocker here. The bird was under the over hanging bots of willow and whatever else was there. So i clicked away and got a few more shots.
