Rainham Marshes

For only the second time this year i went to Rainham RSPB; arriving at 08.30 i took a leisurely stroll along the water side path of the wall. The day got of to a good start with a Water Pipit, just as a double check though i checked out the RSPB forums posts and Collins making sure it wasnt a Scandinavian Rock Pipit, it wasnt and shortly after i was treated to up to 15 Rock Pipits all in flight and calling as they went.

Teal and Wigeon lazed on the shoreline, while Reed Buntings flew from the grass over the wall and into the reserve. A smallish raptor, brown in colour, not a Kestrel, went over the after them. I presume a Sparrowhawk.

Skylark song and call was coming from everywhere in the morning sun and i managed a recording which i shall put up here soon.

Aveley Bay was busy with Black Headed Gull, Shelduck, Redshank and Curlew. Pied Wagtail x2 on the rocks.

A report of Yellow Legged Gull earlier from Serin Mound however for me all i got was Linnet, Goldfinch and Greenfinch all in good numbers so it was nice to watch.

I headed back to the center; other birds along the wall: Cormorant, Pheasant, House Sparrow, Ring Necked Parakeet, Common Gull, Herring Gull, Woodpigeon & Starling.

In the reserve i took my usual route via the Woodland area catching the usual; Great, Blue & Long Tailed Tit, Robin, Dunnock, Wren. As well as hearing Cettis Warbler i finally caught sight allowing it to be added to my 2012 list.

courtesy of wikipedia
Numerous Snipe and i spent time checking for Jack's but alas this bird still eludes me. A single Peregrine sat on the pylon.

Onto Butts Hide where most of the Lapwing were along with Golden Plover and Dunlin over on  the Target Pools.

Two of the RSPB guys pulled a Little Stint from the ridiculous heat haze for February left of the Dunlin. For me this was a good view as its the first time i've seen a Little Stint next to Dunlin. I've only seen one before and it was in with the Curlew Sandpipers and Semipalmated Sandpiper over at Coalhouse Fort.

courtesy of www.peteralfreybirdingnotebook.blogspot.com
So two year ticks and i equalled the most species of bird seen in one day but strangely there were a couple that i would have expected to been at Rainham but i didnt pick up today; namely Greylag and Stonechat


Gene Vermillion said…
Seems like you had a great birding day. Thanks for sharing.
#indoorstoomuch said…
Thanks Gene; it was a good day at a local patch, thoroughly enjoyed it